--- title: "HW 5" author: "Name here" date: "Due February 13, 2018 12:15 PM" output: html_document --- Please use D2L to turn in both the HTML output and your R Markdown file in. ## Q1. Code Debugging (10 pts) Consider the following function which contains a few errors. Fix the function so that the four function calls below return the correct values. ```{r, error = TRUE} TimeofDay <- function(time.in){ # function to map time in military time (0 - 24) # to defined categories for day # ARGS: time.in, as 'HH:MM' as a string # Returns: "05:00" to "11:59" - 'Morning' # "12:00" to "16:59" - 'Afternoon' # "17:00" to "20:59" - 'Evening' # "21:00" to "04:59" - 'Night' hour <- substr(time.in,1,3) minute <- substr(time.in,3,4) if (hour > 5 & <= 12){ return("Morning") } else if (hour >= 12 & hour < 17 ){ return(Afternoon) } else if (hour >= 12 & hour < 21) { return('Evening') } else if (hour >= 21 & hour < 5){ return('Night') } } TimeofDay('08:14') TimeofDay('12:00') TimeofDay('18:34') TimeofDay('02:53') ```