--- title: "Lab 8: Shiny and ggplot2" author: 'Group Member Names - here' date: "March 6, 2018" output: html_document --- Turn in one copy of the R Script for each group. If group members are not present in class they will be required to complete their own lab to receive credit. ## Lab Overview The entire lab will be worth 100 points. ## Questions Answer the following questions in this R Markdown document. Please include code where necessary. ### 1. R Shiny with `ggplot2` Please modify the default R Shiny applet to include a `ggplot2()` histogram. ### 2. R Shiny Options Next, modify the default R Shiny code to create a histogram based on the central limit theorem to create an R Shiny applet. Shiny should allow you to update the slider to permit between 5 and 100 observations. ```{r} CLT.hist <- function(num.obs){ ## Function to create a histogram to depict central limit theorem ## data generated from Exponential distribution ## ARGS: num.obs - number of observations from Exponential(1) num.sims <- 10000 sample.means <- rowMeans(matrix(rexp(num.sims*num.obs),nrow = num.sims, ncol = num.obs)) hist(sample.means,prob=T, xlab='', breaks=seq(0,8,by=.2)) } ```