Please use D2L to turn in both the HTML output and your R Markdown file in. Use a dataset containing homes in the Seattle, WA area for this lab

Q1. (16 pts)

a. (4 pts)

Compute \(Prob[Price > 600,000]\)

b. (4 pts)

Compute \(Prob[Price > 600,000, Waterfront =1]\)

c. (4 pts)

Compute \(Prob[Price > 600,000|Waterfront = 1]\)

d. (4 pts)

Are the results for a - c different? Why is this the case?

Q2 (12 pts)

a. (4 pts)

Using this dataset, summarize or visualize the distribution for home price.

b. (4 pts)

Now, summarize or visualize the distribution for home price, given that Waterfront = 1 (the house is a waterfront property)

b. (4 pts)

Regardless of what approach you used for 2a-2b. Compare and contrast approaches that used the mean price for each situation versus one that plots the distribution and talks about the entire set of outcomes.