--- title: "HW 1" author: "Name here" date: "Due Friday September 7, 2018" output: html_document --- Please use D2L to turn in both the PDF output and your R Markdown file. ### Q1. Read Andrew Gelman and Cosma Shalizi's *Philosophy and the Practice of Bayesian Statistics*, a link is available on the course webpage. The paper is a little long, so the following questions are designed to focus your reading. #### a. (8 pts - 1/2 page or so) Summarize the key points in the paper. Hint: see section 7. #### b. (4 pts - 1/4 page or so) Summarize Section 4.1 #### c. (4 pts - 1/4 page or so) Describe the data analysis cycle, both from a frequentist and Bayesian perspective. #### d. (4 pts - 1/4 page or so) How do the hypothetico-deductive and inductive philosophical view points on science differ? ### Q2. (8 pts) Describe the differences between Bayesian and classical inference. Include a discussion on confidence and credible intervals. Do you currently consider yourself a Bayesian or classical statistician (no wrong answers here)? ### Q3. Assume you are hired by Bridger Bowl to compute the probability than an MSU student either skis (or snowboards). #### a. (4 pts) If binary data is collected from 300 students, what is the sampling model for this research question? Please name the distribution and write out the corresponding sampling distribution. #### b. (4 pts) Use a prior distribution from the $Beta$ distribution and create a plot/histogram from this distribution. Hint: `dbeta()` will be useful. Why did you choose the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ values for this prior distribution. #### c. (4 pts) Assume 234 of the sampled MSU students claim to either ski or snowboard. Compute the posterior distribution, $p(\theta|Y)$ where $\theta$ is the probability of MSU student skiing and $Y$ is the observed responses. #### d. (4 pts) Plot the posterior distribution computed in part (c) and compute a 95% credible interval for $\theta$. #### e. (4 pts - 1/4 page or so) Summarize the results for the director of Bridger Bowl, who you can assume has not taken a statistics course recently.