--- title: "HW 8" author: "Name here" date: "Due November 19, 2018" output: html_document --- ### Q1. For these questions, write out the differenced model and identify the structure. #### a. (3 points) $$x_t = x_{t-1} + w_t$$ #### b. (3 points) $$x_t = bt + w_t$$ ### Q2. (10 points) Fit an ARIMA model to the Lake Huron data set. Fully describe the results and detail all parameters in the model. How could this model be used to make predictions. ```{r} library(datasets) library(forecast) ggtsdisplay(LakeHuron) ``` ### Q3. (10 points) Analyze the airplane data using a regression framework in `auto.arima()` to capture the trend and seasonal components. Describe all of the parameters in this model and use this model to predict the airline passengers totals for the next year. ```{r} ggtsdisplay(AirPassengers) ``` ### Q4. (536 only) Continue working through your projects, this should be added to the existing, and growing, project document. - Write out the statistical model that you plan to use for your project and address the following questions. - Will this be more focused on explanation or prediction? - What criteria will you use to select a model?