--- title: "Lab 10" author: "Name here" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE) library(readr) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(lubridate) library(ggfortify) library(forecast) library(tseries) ``` Please use D2L to turn in both the PDF/ Word output and your R Markdown file. ## Q1. Random Walk Sims (50 points) For this question we will simulate a set of random walks to determine various properties ### a. Simulate 1000 random walks (this can be done with the code in lecture 17 or using arima.sim) of length 100. Using the Dickey-Fuller test, how many of random walks reject the null hypothesis of a non-stationary series? What is your expectation for this proportion? ### b. Simulate 1000 pairs of random walks (that is two independent series of random variables) with length 100. Using the Phillips-Ouliaris test, how many of pairs of random walks reject the null hypothesis of a non-cointegrated series? What is your expectation for this proportion? ### c. 536 Only Simulate 1000 pairs of random walks (that is two independent series of random variables) with length 100. Fit a simple linear model with one series regressed against the other. What proportion of these regression models have a *significant* slope parameter (p-value < .05)? What is your expectation for this proportion? ## Q2. Avocados (50 points) ### a. Check whether the organic and conventional avocadoes are cointegrated. Interpret the results from the hypothesis test that you choose to use. ```{r} avo <- read_csv('http://www.math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/timeseries/data/avocado_west.csv') ggplot(data = avo, aes(y = AveragePrice, x = Date)) + geom_line(aes(color = type)) avo.conv <- avo %>% filter(type == 'conventional') %>% arrange(Date) avo.org <- avo %>% filter(type == 'organic') %>% arrange(Date) ``` ### b. If the two series are not cointegrated, performing a regression analysis will potentially lead to spurious results and is not advised. Regardless of the results above, fit and intepret a vector autoregressive process for the two series (conventional and organic avocado prices).