--- title: "Lab 2" output: html_document --- Please use D2L to turn in both the PDF/ Word output and your R Markdown file. Assume you have been hired by a local purveyor of avocado toast, let's say [Jam](https://www.jamonmain.com), to perform research on avocado prices. For this lab you will explore a dataset containing historical sales prices and volumes of avocados. More details about the complete dataset can be found here [https://www.kaggle.com/neuromusic/avocado-prices/home](https://www.kaggle.com/neuromusic/avocado-prices/home). A subset of this dataset is available at [http://math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/timeseries/data/avocado_west.csv](http://math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/timeseries/data/avocado_west.csv). The dataset contains the following variables: - Date: (note, the `read_csv()` function may read this as a date-time object) - AveragePrice: the price of a single avocado - TotalVolume: the amount of avocados sold - Type: category to denote conventional or organic #### 1. Data Visualization (40 points) Create a visualization to display the dataset and include a 2 to 3 sentence caption to describe your figure. Note there are a few different things you could choose to focus on here, but clearly describe (in the graph and caption) would you are focusing on. #### 2. Time Series Decomposition (40 points) Create a visual decomposition of the time series and discuss what you see. (STAT 536). Write out the decomposition #### 3. Forecasting (20 points) ###### a. Discuss a strategy for estimating the volume of avocados sold weekly for a year, given that you know the prices. ###### b. Discuss a strategy for estimating the volume of avocados sold weekly for a year, given that you don't know the prices.