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Q1. Uber Rides (100 pts)

This question will focus on a regression framework using a dataset containing Uber rides in New York City. The dataset can be downloaded from


Download the data, create a figure, and discuss the pattern than you see. Talk about this in the context of Uber rides.

uber <- read_csv('')
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Date.Time = col_character(),
##   Month = col_integer(),
##   Day = col_integer(),
##   Year = col_integer(),
##   Time.Stamp = col_time(format = "")
## )
library(lubridate) <- uber %>% mutate(hour = hour(Time.Stamp))

Focusing on the seasonality in the data, fit a model that includes seasonal components. Present and describe your results. This should take the form a report and have approximately one page of writing in addition to figures and or tables. Follow the general form of: Introduction, Data, Modeling, Results, Discussion.


Extract and plot your residuals over time. Comment on what you see and what the implications are for your model.