**************************************************** * COEFFICIENTS OF FITTED RESPONSE SURFACE MODELS * * FOR THREE, FOUR, AND FIVE FACTOR DESIGNS * * FOR BOTH WEAK AND STRONG HEREDITY * **************************************************** The following information can be used to interpret abbreviations in the text files that contain the coefficients. Values in the model term columns contain the estimated coefficients for each of the four optimality criteria (D, A, G, IV). Design Abbreviations Model Term Abbreviations ============================= ================================= BD = Box-Draper Design I ==> beta_0 Intercept CCD = Central Composite Design SCD = Small Composite Design L ==> beta_L PBCD= Plackett-Burman Composite Q ==> beta_Q First Order Design C1 ==> beta_1 Terms OPTEX= SAS PROC OPTEX Design C2 ==> beta_2 using the D-criterion LL ==>beta_LL QQ ==>beta_QQ Second Order C1C1 ==>beta_11 Terms C2C2 ==>beta_22 LQ ==>beta_LQ LC1 ==>beta_L1 LC2 ==>beta_L2 Crossproduct QC1 ==>beta_Q1 Terms QC2 ==>beta_Q2 C1C2 ==>beta_12