Dr. David Ayala (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, MSU)

04/08/24  4:10pm


I’ll introduce some foundational concepts in preparation for Benjamin Moldstad’s PhD defense on 15 April (the following Math Seminar slot).

Specifically, I’ll introduce the notion of a homotopy type, the spirit of which is a set whose elements are redundantly identified. This will be motivated via redundant equations in linear algebra, prompting consideration of chain-complexes. I’ll explain how a topological space determines a homotopy-type.

Then I’ll introduce some instances of linearizations of homotopy-types, matching with that motivation. I’ll state a theorem: in the zoo of linearizations of homotopy-types, there’s an initial one: spectra. I’ll indicate what a spectrum is and give some examples of such. I’ll supply a heuristic for why one might expect this theorem. The talk will conclude with some computations that reveal the rich structure of spectra — structure that’s therefore present in any linearization of homotopy-types.